Sustainability DMC Dominican Republic

At Connect DMC, we believe that tourism should be profitable for all. With this in mind, we are taking action to ensure that the local people in our destinations will benefit from our business.
We are the first DMC worldwide to have embraced the Climate Neutral Now pledge with the United Nations.
Climate Neutral Now is an initiative formed under the UN Climate Change Secretariat aimed at facilitating faster and more inclusive climate action that is necessary to ensure climate neutrality by mid-century.
We are also the only DMC worldwide to implement the SMPP® System to their programs in order to identify, measure and report their sustainable impact on the easiest and most effective way.
The SMPP® is a tool that helps organizations embed sustainability into their meetings and events in accordance with the MICE industry sustainable event planning standards.
After taking the first steps of measuring, reducing and improving, the final step is to compensate by taking all of these points into consideration and reattributing this final number into its CO2 equivalent with a total group cost.
We will guide you through the calculation process and bring you the opportunity to create a society that dramatically reduces emissions and build a more conscious world for all starting by the retribution of the emissions that impacted the environment during the course of the programs.
We are very conscious of the environment. We are fully committed to finding ways by which our activities have less impact on the environment. Furthermore in our office: Avoid paper work as much as possible. We use our ICT infrastructure to send invoices and quotes by email as PDFs or wetransfer. We shut our computers and printers down after work or when not in use . We encourage the use of low impact transport for travel to and from work or business travel.